Alghero (Sardinia) From Dec 5 to Dec 10, 2017 - exclusive offer all incluse $2000.00
join us to the unique week between culture, theatre, performing art in the exclusive frame of Alghero

Dec. 4 (arrival Dec. 5) International flight from New York to Alghero Fertilia Airport  (via Rome or Milan) 

Dec. 5-6-7-8-9-10 Accommodation in Hotel (***) + breakfast and dinner; VIP* ticket to the Festival

Dec. 11 International flight from Alghero Fertilia Airport to New York (via Rome or Milan)

book now or ask for information: +1 (516)-849-8404 -


Alghero (Sardinia) From Dec 7 to Dec 10, 2017 - exclusive offer all incluse $1000.00
join us to the unique weekend experience between culture, theatre, performing art in the exclusive frame of Alghero

Dec. 7 (arrival Dec. 8) International flight from New York to Alghero Fertilia Airport  (via Rome or Milan) 

Dec. 8-9-10 Accommodation in Hotel (***) + breakfast and dinner; VIP* ticket to the Festival

Dec. 11 International flight from Alghero Fertilia Airport to New York (via Rome or Milan)

book now or ask for information: +1 (516)-849-8404 -